I am primarily a MacOS user who does most of my analytics and presentation work in R / RStudio / RMarkdown, so it was natural to take advantage of using the R blogdown package.
Many others have already documented nice tutorials on how to get a blog started with blogdown, Hugo, GitHub, and Netlify, so I’ll just reference a number of resources that I found particularly helpful. Also, I chose to use the tranquilpeak Hugo theme, as I liked the look of it, and it generally seems to play well in this environment.
Recipe for getting started
- Up and running with blogdown by Alison Presmanes Hill
- a remarkably clear set of instructions on getting started with blogdown, GitHub, and Netlify
Other helpful resources
- [Making a Website Using Blogdown, Hugo, and GitHub pages] (https://amber.rbind.io/blog/2016/12/19/creatingsite/) by Amber Thomas
- a little more dated, and not exactly the approach I chose, but still very helpful
- Blogdown and Tranquilpeak Hosted on Netlify: a Deep Dive by Bryan Whiting
- another quick, straightforward tutorial
- included a bit about how to have a static About page in the tranquilpeak theme
Steps for setting up
I pretty much followed the steps described by Alison Presmanes Hill, with a few minor changes and tweaks.
- Created a GitHub repository (private)
- initially I planned to make it Public, but because I’m often analyzing clinical datasets, I didn’t want to risk accidentally exposing protected health information
- Developed in RStudio
- installed blogdown and Hugo
- created a blogdown::newsite() using the tranquilpeak theme
- Deployed with Netlify
- by default Netlify builds with
, but tranquilpeak requireshugo_0.20
- no worries – it’s easy to choose a different version
- set
Build command
to justhugo
- set the
Build environmental variable
- by default Netlify builds with
- Obtained a domain name
- followed Netlify’s instructions on using a custom domain
- with just a few clicks, Netlify also obtains a Let’s Encrypt certificate and forces SSL
Additional tweaks and discoveries
- Custom blog post summaries on the index page don’t work in posts built from Rmd (at least for the tranquilpeak theme)
- In markdown posts, all text above
are used for the post summary on the index page - However, this doesn’t work for Rmarkdown posts
- Instead, it’s possible to modify the theme to be able to specify a custom summary in the YAML header
- In markdown posts, all text above
- Most methods of syntax highlighting don’t seem to fully support R code
- best solution so far seems to be to use the highlight tag, which might be specific to tranquilpeak
The following (remove the space between the {’s, as I can’t figure out how to escape the {):
{ {< highlight r >}}
library(tidyverse) # a comment
x <- mean(mtcars$mpg)
{ {< /highlight >}}
library(tidyverse) # (this was only with tranquilpeaks, not relevant otherwise)
<- mean(mtcars$mpg) x
- when I have more content, I’d like to be listed on R-bloggers, but they require RSS feeds with full content and not just the Summary. I followed these directions to override site-wide the rss.xml to include full content. I obtained the RSS template from the Hugo documentation.