For private pilot flight training, I’m about to start night flying. Should be easy right? In brief, the requirements are:
3 hours of night flight training in a single-engine airplane that includes one cross-country flight of over 100 nautical miles total distance; and 10 takeoffs and 10 landings to a full stop (with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport.
Simple, right? But… when is it “night”?
I know rules of thumb that work to qualify for flying at “night” (e.g., at Boston’s latitude, half an hour after sunset to before sunrise suppsoedly works), but I was curious about the precise definitions, which led me down a crazy rabbit hole.
And then I had to know exactly how good the rule of thumb was (TL;DR – in Boston, use 36+ minutes to always be in compliance).
Here we go (links to references provided).
(Photo “Sunset” by ICU『 I BE4 see you 』 is licensed under CC BY 2.0.)
Flight training and nighttime
Private pilot certificate requirements
§ 61.109 Aeronautical experience.: 14 CFR 61.109(a)(2)
Except as provided in § 61.110 of this part, 3 hours of night flight training in a single-engine airplane that includes
- One cross-country flight of over 100 nautical miles total distance; and
- 10 takeoffs and 10 landings to a full stop (with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport.
(§ 61.110 has exceptions for Alaska)
Definitions and Info
- Night
- 14 CFR 1.1 “Night means the time between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight, as published in the Air Almanac, converted to local time.”
- Civil Twilight
- Air Almanac “Civil twilight is defined to begin in the morning, and to end in the evening when the center of the Sun is geometrically 6 degrees below the horizon.” (Does not state this is relative to sunrise and sunset)
- National Weather Service “[Civil twilight] begins in the morning, or ends in the evening, when the geometric center of the sun is 6 degrees below the horizon. Therefore morning civil twilight begins when the geometric center of the sun is 6 degrees below the horizon, and ends at sunrise. Evening civil twilight begins at sunset, and ends when the geometric center of the sun is 6 degrees below the horizon.”
- Sunset and Sunrise
- Air Almanac “Sunrise and sunset conventionally refer to the times when the upper edge of the disk of the Sun is on the horizon. Atmospheric conditions are assumed to be average, and the location is in a level region on the Earth’s surface.”
- “Sunrise and sunset. For computational purposes, sunrise or sunset is defined to occur when the geometric zenith distance of center of the Sun is 90.8333 degrees. That is, the center of the Sun is geometrically 50 arcminutes below a horizontal plane. For an observer at sea level with a level, unobstructed horizon, under average atmospheric conditions, the upper limb of the Sun will then appear to be tangent to the horizon. The 50-arcminute geometric depression of the Sun’s center used for the computations is obtained by adding the average apparent radius of the Sun (16 arcminutes) to the average amount of atmospheric refraction at the horizon (34 arcminutes).”
- Angular size of sun
- Approximation “The sun is 1.39 X 10^6 km in linear diameter and 1.50 X 10^8 km from Earth. If you put these numbers into the small-angle formula, you will discover that the sun has an angular diameter of 1900 seconds of arc, which is 32 minutes of arc or about 0.5°.”
So each civil twilight is from sunset and sunrise until the sun is roughly 12 sun diameters below the horizon, and night is the time in between.
It almost makes me want to obtain a sextant and learn celestial navigation.
And since you can’t actually see how far the sun is below the horizon, you have to look up twilight times in the Air Almanac. (Or a normal person would just use a rule of thumb. I am not a normal person.)
Air almanac annual tables for Sunrise/Sunset, Moonrise/Moonset, or Twilight Times
- Air Almanac Tables
- Air Almanac, 2024 twilight table
- In Boston, UTC-4 is daylight time; UTC-5 is standard time
BOSTON, MA Astronomical Applications Dept.
Location: W071° 05', N42° 19' Civil Twilight for 2024 U. S. Naval Observatory
Washington, DC 20392-5420
Zone: 5h West of Greenwich**
Add one hour for daylight time, if and when in use.
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Day Begin End Begin End Begin End Begin End Begin End Begin End Begin End Begin End Begin End Begin End Begin End Begin End
h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
01 0642 1654 0628 1728 0551 1803 0458 1839 0408 1915 0336 1949 0337 1959 0406 1935 0441 1846 0514 1753 0549 1706 0623 1644
02 0642 1655 0628 1729 0549 1804 0456 1840 0407 1916 0336 1950 0338 1959 0407 1933 0442 1844 0515 1751 0550 1705 0624 1644
03 0642 1656 0627 1730 0547 1805 0454 1842 0405 1918 0335 1951 0338 1959 0408 1932 0444 1843 0516 1749 0551 1704 0625 1644
04 0642 1657 0625 1731 0546 1807 0452 1843 0404 1919 0335 1951 0339 1958 0409 1931 0445 1841 0517 1748 0553 1703 0626 1644
05 0642 1657 0624 1733 0544 1808 0451 1844 0403 1920 0334 1952 0340 1958 0410 1929 0446 1839 0518 1746 0554 1702 0627 1643
06 0642 1658 0623 1734 0543 1809 0449 1845 0401 1921 0334 1953 0341 1958 0412 1928 0447 1837 0519 1744 0555 1701 0628 1643
07 0642 1659 0622 1735 0541 1810 0447 1846 0400 1922 0334 1953 0341 1957 0413 1927 0448 1835 0521 1743 0556 1659 0629 1643
08 0642 1700 0621 1736 0539 1811 0445 1847 0359 1924 0333 1954 0342 1957 0414 1925 0449 1834 0522 1741 0557 1658 0629 1643
09 0642 1701 0620 1738 0538 1812 0444 1849 0357 1925 0333 1955 0343 1956 0415 1924 0450 1832 0523 1739 0558 1657 0630 1643
10 0641 1702 0619 1739 0536 1814 0442 1850 0356 1926 0333 1955 0344 1956 0416 1922 0451 1830 0524 1738 0600 1656 0631 1644
11 0641 1703 0618 1740 0534 1815 0440 1851 0355 1927 0333 1956 0344 1955 0417 1921 0452 1828 0525 1736 0601 1656 0632 1644
12 0641 1704 0616 1741 0533 1816 0439 1852 0354 1928 0333 1956 0345 1954 0418 1919 0453 1826 0526 1734 0602 1655 0633 1644
13 0641 1705 0615 1743 0531 1817 0437 1853 0353 1930 0332 1957 0346 1954 0420 1918 0454 1825 0527 1733 0603 1654 0633 1644
14 0640 1707 0614 1744 0529 1818 0435 1855 0351 1931 0332 1957 0347 1953 0421 1916 0456 1823 0528 1731 0604 1653 0634 1644
15 0640 1708 0613 1745 0527 1819 0433 1856 0350 1932 0332 1958 0348 1952 0422 1915 0457 1821 0529 1730 0605 1652 0635 1645
16 0640 1709 0611 1746 0526 1821 0432 1857 0349 1933 0332 1958 0349 1951 0423 1913 0458 1819 0531 1728 0607 1651 0635 1645
17 0639 1710 0610 1747 0524 1822 0430 1858 0348 1934 0332 1958 0350 1951 0424 1911 0459 1817 0532 1727 0608 1651 0636 1645
18 0639 1711 0608 1749 0522 1823 0428 1859 0347 1935 0333 1959 0351 1950 0425 1910 0500 1816 0533 1725 0609 1650 0637 1646
19 0638 1712 0607 1750 0520 1824 0427 1901 0346 1936 0333 1959 0352 1949 0427 1908 0501 1814 0534 1724 0610 1649 0637 1646
20 0638 1713 0606 1751 0519 1825 0425 1902 0345 1937 0333 1959 0353 1948 0428 1907 0502 1812 0535 1722 0611 1649 0638 1647
21 0637 1714 0604 1752 0517 1826 0424 1903 0344 1938 0333 1959 0354 1947 0429 1905 0503 1810 0536 1721 0612 1648 0638 1647
22 0636 1716 0603 1753 0515 1828 0422 1904 0343 1940 0333 2000 0355 1946 0430 1903 0504 1809 0537 1719 0613 1647 0639 1648
23 0636 1717 0601 1755 0513 1829 0420 1905 0342 1941 0334 2000 0356 1945 0431 1902 0505 1807 0539 1718 0614 1647 0639 1648
24 0635 1718 0600 1756 0512 1830 0419 1907 0342 1942 0334 2000 0357 1944 0432 1900 0506 1805 0540 1717 0616 1646 0640 1649
25 0634 1719 0558 1757 0510 1831 0417 1908 0341 1943 0334 2000 0358 1943 0433 1858 0507 1803 0541 1715 0617 1646 0640 1649
26 0634 1720 0557 1758 0508 1832 0416 1909 0340 1944 0335 2000 0359 1942 0435 1856 0509 1801 0542 1714 0618 1646 0640 1650
27 0633 1722 0555 1759 0506 1833 0414 1910 0339 1944 0335 2000 0400 1941 0436 1855 0510 1800 0543 1712 0619 1645 0641 1651
28 0632 1723 0554 1801 0505 1835 0413 1912 0339 1945 0336 2000 0401 1940 0437 1853 0511 1758 0544 1711 0620 1645 0641 1651
29 0631 1724 0552 1802 0503 1836 0411 1913 0338 1946 0336 2000 0402 1938 0438 1851 0512 1756 0546 1710 0621 1645 0641 1652
30 0630 1725 0501 1837 0410 1914 0337 1947 0337 1959 0404 1937 0439 1850 0513 1755 0547 1709 0622 1644 0641 1653
31 0629 1726 0459 1838 0337 1948 0405 1936 0440 1848 0548 1707 0642 1654
Location: W071° 05', N42° 19' Civil Twilight for 2025 U. S. Naval Observatory
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Day Begin End Begin End Begin End Begin End Begin End Begin End Begin End Begin End Begin End Begin End Begin End Begin End
h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
01 0642 1655 0628 1729 0551 1803 0458 1839 0409 1915 0336 1949 0337 1959 0406 1935 0441 1847 0514 1753 0549 1706 0623 1644
02 0642 1655 0627 1730 0549 1804 0456 1840 0407 1916 0336 1950 0338 1959 0407 1934 0442 1845 0515 1751 0550 1705 0624 1644
03 0642 1656 0626 1731 0548 1805 0455 1841 0406 1917 0335 1950 0338 1959 0408 1932 0443 1843 0516 1750 0551 1704 0625 1644
04 0642 1657 0625 1732 0546 1806 0453 1842 0404 1919 0335 1951 0339 1958 0409 1931 0444 1841 0517 1748 0552 1703 0626 1644
05 0642 1658 0624 1734 0545 1807 0451 1844 0403 1920 0334 1952 0340 1958 0410 1930 0445 1839 0518 1746 0553 1702 0627 1643
06 0642 1659 0623 1735 0543 1809 0449 1845 0402 1921 0334 1953 0340 1958 0411 1928 0447 1838 0519 1745 0555 1701 0627 1643
07 0642 1700 0621 1736 0541 1810 0448 1846 0400 1922 0334 1953 0341 1957 0412 1927 0448 1836 0520 1743 0556 1700 0628 1643
08 0642 1701 0620 1737 0540 1811 0446 1847 0359 1923 0333 1954 0342 1957 0414 1925 0449 1834 0521 1741 0557 1659 0629 1643
09 0641 1702 0619 1739 0538 1812 0444 1848 0358 1925 0333 1955 0343 1956 0415 1924 0450 1832 0522 1740 0558 1658 0630 1643
10 0641 1703 0618 1740 0536 1813 0442 1850 0356 1926 0333 1955 0343 1956 0416 1923 0451 1831 0524 1738 0559 1657 0631 1644
11 0641 1704 0617 1741 0535 1814 0441 1851 0355 1927 0333 1956 0344 1955 0417 1921 0452 1829 0525 1736 0601 1656 0632 1644
12 0641 1705 0615 1742 0533 1816 0439 1852 0354 1928 0333 1956 0345 1955 0418 1920 0453 1827 0526 1735 0602 1655 0632 1644
13 0640 1706 0614 1743 0531 1817 0437 1853 0353 1929 0332 1957 0346 1954 0419 1918 0454 1825 0527 1733 0603 1654 0633 1644
14 0640 1707 0613 1745 0530 1818 0436 1854 0352 1930 0332 1957 0347 1953 0420 1916 0455 1823 0528 1732 0604 1653 0634 1644
15 0640 1708 0611 1746 0528 1819 0434 1856 0351 1932 0332 1958 0348 1952 0422 1915 0456 1822 0529 1730 0605 1652 0635 1645
16 0639 1710 0610 1747 0526 1820 0432 1857 0349 1933 0332 1958 0349 1952 0423 1913 0457 1820 0530 1729 0606 1652 0635 1645
17 0639 1711 0609 1748 0524 1821 0430 1858 0348 1934 0332 1958 0350 1951 0424 1912 0459 1818 0531 1727 0607 1651 0636 1645
18 0638 1712 0607 1750 0523 1823 0429 1859 0347 1935 0333 1959 0351 1950 0425 1910 0500 1816 0533 1726 0609 1650 0637 1646
19 0638 1713 0606 1751 0521 1824 0427 1900 0346 1936 0333 1959 0352 1949 0426 1909 0501 1814 0534 1724 0610 1649 0637 1646
20 0637 1714 0605 1752 0519 1825 0426 1902 0345 1937 0333 1959 0353 1948 0427 1907 0502 1813 0535 1723 0611 1649 0638 1647
21 0637 1715 0603 1753 0517 1826 0424 1903 0344 1938 0333 1959 0354 1947 0429 1905 0503 1811 0536 1721 0612 1648 0638 1647
22 0636 1716 0602 1754 0516 1827 0422 1904 0343 1939 0333 2000 0355 1946 0430 1904 0504 1809 0537 1720 0613 1648 0639 1648
23 0635 1718 0600 1756 0514 1828 0421 1905 0343 1940 0334 2000 0356 1945 0431 1902 0505 1807 0538 1718 0614 1647 0639 1648
24 0635 1719 0559 1757 0512 1830 0419 1906 0342 1941 0334 2000 0357 1944 0432 1900 0506 1805 0539 1717 0615 1647 0640 1649
25 0634 1720 0557 1758 0510 1831 0418 1908 0341 1942 0334 2000 0358 1943 0433 1859 0507 1804 0541 1715 0616 1646 0640 1649
26 0633 1721 0556 1759 0509 1832 0416 1909 0340 1943 0335 2000 0359 1942 0434 1857 0508 1802 0542 1714 0618 1646 0640 1650
27 0632 1722 0554 1800 0507 1833 0415 1910 0339 1944 0335 2000 0400 1941 0435 1855 0509 1800 0543 1713 0619 1645 0641 1651
28 0631 1724 0553 1802 0505 1834 0413 1911 0339 1945 0336 2000 0401 1940 0437 1854 0510 1758 0544 1711 0620 1645 0641 1651
29 0631 1725 0503 1835 0412 1912 0338 1946 0336 2000 0402 1939 0438 1852 0512 1757 0545 1710 0621 1645 0641 1652
30 0630 1726 0502 1837 0410 1914 0337 1947 0337 1959 0403 1937 0439 1850 0513 1755 0546 1709 0622 1644 0641 1653
31 0629 1727 0500 1838 0337 1948 0404 1936 0440 1848 0548 1708 0642 1654
How good is the rule of thumb?
So, the local rule of thumb is that night starts around 30 minutes after sunset. I wondered how good that rule was.
I also fetched the times of sunset and sunrise from the Air Almanac, converted the constant width text tables into dataframes (in a messy, non-reproducible way), and calculated the number of minutes between sunrise / sunset and civil twilight.
At Boston’s latitudes for the year 2024:
It’s only a few minutes difference, but it turns out that the rule of thumb of night time starting 30 minutes after sunset around Boston is a bit too optimistic 31% of the time.
The maximum is 35 minutes, so defining night (in Boston) as 36+ minutes after sunset is always safe. (Remember, this is only going to work at the same latitude as Boston.)