METAR analysis

Analyzing historical METAR weather data for flight conditions by month and time of day, including calculation of crosswinds for available runways.

July 11, 2024


After a Discovery Flight in September 2023, I decided to pursue flight training. My Class 3 medical was granted in March 2024 (initially deferred for a medical issue from 20+ years ago) and I’ve logged around 17 hours of dual instruction so far in a Cessna 172S.

One of the things about flight training is that you realize how very important weather is, especially when flying under VFR (visual flight rules). After having a few lessons cancelled for weather, I wondered whether I could apply data geekery to analyzing historical METAR (Meteorological Aerodrome Report) data around a given airport, by time of day and month?

  • looked at 20+ years of roughly hourly data, from 2000 to present, around 280,000 measurements
  • initially focused on visibility and cloud cover
  • after a few preflights in July under the blistering sun, added temperatures
  • after working on landings, calculated crosswinds on the the most favorable runway
  • now that the eventuality of soloing is being mentioned, added more stringent solo student pilot conditions (crosswind and gusts)

I wrapped it all up in my first ever Quarto dashboard (I’ve previously used flexdashboard with R markdown). Screenshot of the dashboard’s first page above.

The following are notes and some bits of code describing how I obtained, processed, and analyzed the data.

METAR data

METAR data was obtained from the Iowa Environmental Mesonet (IEM) archive of Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) Network data. Apologies that I will not be providing full details on how to obtain the METAR data. 20+ years of data is 60+ MB for each airport, and I don’t want to contribute to hammering the source site with too many data requests. It should be pretty easy to figure out how to do it on your own though.

I initially considered writing regular expressions to parse the raw METAR text, but it’s only semi-structured, and the IEM had very nice tabular data already available which required much less preprocessing.

There’s a very nice data dictionary, with full details here. The most relevant data fields included:

  • time of reporting
  • wind direction, wind speed, wind gusts
  • visibility
  • cloud coverage + heights
  • air temperature

For each hourly report, determined the classification category:

Categories: ceilings and visibility

  • LIFR (low IFR): < 500 ft AGL and/or Vis < 1 statute mile
  • IFR: < 1,000 ft AGL and/or Vis < 3 miles
  • MVFR (marginal VFR): <= 3,000 ft AGL and/or Vis <= 5 miles
  • VFR: > 3,000 ft AGL and Vis > 5 miles

Some details:

  • obtained times in UTC (coordinated universal / GMT / Zulu) to avoid daylight savings time issues –> need time zone for each airport to convert to local time
  • ASOS wind directions are reported relative to true north while runway headings are relative to magnetic north –> need runway headings relative to true north

Airport information

Airport names, time zones, and runway information were obtained from

The web page for each airport has all the information needed. I used the R tidyverse rvest package and regular expressions to scrape out the desired airport metadata, including:

  • airport name and identifier
  • available runways, including both true and magnetic headings
  • timezone text converted to tz usable in R datetime conversions
library(rvest) #

airport <- "kowd"

page <- read_html(paste0("", airport))
text <- page %>% html_text2 # extract entire page as just text

airport_name <- sub("AirNav: ", "", page %>% html_elements("title") %>% html_text2())

timezone <- str_extract(text, regex("(?<=Time zone: \t).*", ignore_case = TRUE))
tz <- case_when(
  timezone == "UTC -4 (UTC -5 during Standard Time)" ~ "US/Eastern",
  timezone == "UTC -5 (UTC -6 during Standard Time)" ~ "US/Central",
  timezone == "UTC -6 (UTC -7 during Standard Time)" ~ "US/Mountain",
  timezone == "UTC -7 (UTC -8 during Standard Time)" ~ "US/Pacific",
  timezone == "UTC -8 (UTC -9 during Standard Time)" ~ "US/Alaska",
  timezone == "UTC -10 (year round; does not observe DST)" ~ "US/Hawaii",
  .default = NA # Other US: Aleutian, Arizona, East-Indiana, Indiana-Starke, Michigan, Samoa

# Runways: match words following "runway" that include a forward slash
runways <- sort(unlist(
    regex("(?<=\\brunway\\s)\\S*\\b/\\S*\\b", ignore_case = TRUE

# Headings: match 3 digits followed by either magnetic or true
headings_df <- data.frame(
    source = unique((unlist(
        regex("\\b\\d{3} (magnetic|true)\\b", ignore_case = TRUE
  ) %>%
  separate(source, into = c("heading", "type"), sep = " ") %>%
  arrange(type, heading)

runway_headings_true <- headings_df %>%
  filter(type == "true") %>%
  pull(heading) %>%

runway_headings_magnetic <- headings_df %>%
  filter(type == "magnetic") %>%
  pull(heading) %>%

metadata <- list(
  airport = toupper(airport),
  airport_name = airport_name,
  runways = runways,
  runway_headings_true = runway_headings_true,
  runway_headings_magnetic = runway_headings_magnetic,
  timezone = timezone,
  tz = tz)

#> $airport
#> [1] "KOWD"
#> $airport_name
#> [1] "KOWD - Norwood Memorial Airport"
#> $runways
#> [1] "10/28" "17/35"
#> $runway_headings_true
#> [1]  89 155 269 335
#> $runway_headings_magnetic
#> [1] 104 170 284 350
#> $timezone
#> [1] "UTC -4 (UTC -5 during Standard Time)"
#> $tz
#> [1] "US/Eastern"

Lineplot of category by month and time

For the dashboard, I used plotly’s ggplotly to add hover functionality.

plot_category <- function(df, category_min = "VFR") {
  # categories: VFR, MVFR, IFR, LIFR, Training
  df %>%
    filter(! %>% 
    mutate(acceptable = (category >= category_min)) %>% 
    group_by(month, hour) %>%
    summarize(percent = mean(acceptable), .groups = "drop") %>%
    ggplot(aes(hour, percent, color = month)) +
    geom_point() +
    geom_line() +
    coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0,1)) +
    scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
    labs(title = "Percent of time VFR", x = "Local time", y = "") +
    guides(color = guide_legend(title = "")) +
    scale_color_viridis_d(option = "D", direction = -1) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 23, 2)) +


Crosswind calculations

Using the (true) wind directions from the METARs and the (true) runway headings from AirNav, assume all runways are available and do a little trigonometry to calculate the crosswind components for each runway, and keep the lowest one.

The assumption that all runways are available is not always valid. For example, a hotel was built near Boston Logan to eliminate the possibility of landings on Runway 14 and takeoffs on Runway 32. But good enough for rough analysis.

crosswind_fraction <- function(drct, headings) {
  # drct is a scalar direction in degrees, representing wind direction in TRUE degrees
  # headings is a vector of numeric headings in degrees
  # winds (drct) are given in TRUE heading but only to nearest 10 degrees
  # could round drct + heading DIFFERENCE to nearest 10
  return (min(abs(sin(2 * pi * (drct - headings)/360)))) # no rounding

df <- df %>% 
  # Do crosswind calculations
    drct = drct %% 360, # sets 360 back to 0
    drct2 = ifelse(sknt == 0, 0, drct) # temporary variable, if no wind, set drct to 0
  ) %>%
  rowwise() %>% # each row is its own group, so the mutate acts PER ROW
    crosswind = sknt * crosswind_fraction(drct2, runway_headings),
    crosswind = ifelse(! &&, sknt, crosswind)
    # if windspeed known but drct is NA, sknt is <= 6, and will pessimistically be considered the crosswind
  ) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  select(-drct2) %>% 

Heatmap of category by month and time

plot_category_heatmap <- function(df, limits = NULL, category_min = "VFR") {
  # categories: VFR, MVFR, IFR, LIFR, Training
  df %>% 
    filter(! %>% 
    mutate(acceptable = (category >= category_min)) %>% 
    group_by(month, hour) %>%
    summarize(percent = 100 * mean(acceptable), .groups = "drop") %>%
    ggplot(aes(hour, month, fill = percent)) + 
    geom_tile() +
    scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "H", limits = limits) +
    labs(title = "Percent of time VFR", x = "Local time", y = "") +
    guides(fill = guide_legend(title = "Percent")) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 23, 2))


Radial plot of frequency of wind directions

plot_wind <- function(df) {
  df %>%
    mutate(drct = drct %% 360) %>%
      sknt != 0,
    ) %>%
    ggplot(aes(drct)) +
    geom_histogram(bins = 36, color = "black", fill = "lightgrey") +
    coord_polar(start = 0) +
    theme_bw() +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 360, by = 20)) +
    labs(x = "Wind direction frequency (true)", y = "") +
    theme(axis.text.y = element_blank())


Grid plot of student solo conditions

The interactive HTML dashboard is nice, but a panel of plots is also easy to generate.

Local student solo requirements

  • Wind 17 Kts
  • Crosswind 7 Kts
  • Gusts 5 Kts
  • Ceilings 3,500 ft AGL
  • Vis 6 miles)
g_cat_training <- plot_category(df, category_min = "Training") + ggtitle("Student solo conditions (%)")
g_cat_training_heatmap <- plot_category_heatmap(df, category_min = "Training") + ggtitle("Student solo conditions (%)")
g_wind_heatmap <- plot_wind_heatmap(df %>% filter(category == "Training"))
g_temp_heatmap <- plot_temp_heatmap(df %>% filter(category == "Training"))

g_grid <- cowplot::plot_grid(
  plot_grid(g_cat_training, g_cat_training_heatmap),
  plot_grid(g_wind_heatmap, g_temp_heatmap),
  nrow = 2



  1. Thumbnail image: “Night Thunderstorm” by C. Clark(NOAA)↩︎